We left early on the Friday (after Alf's 5 a.m. feed) and he managed to fall asleep within minutes of being put in the car which was nice, just wish I could have switched off as easily ... Got to the in laws at about 7 (nice rush hour dodging by the OH) which gave us enough time for breakfast, rallying the troops and a guilt trip from the mother in law. I appreciate she doesn't see Alfred very much but it's really starting to get to me that I have to endure the "someone-sat-on-my-cute-fluffy-puppy-and-splurted-its-guts-everywhere" look. But anyway, I digress, we were one of the first lots to set up as we arrived at hlaf nine and were designated to the campervan section, which lies just outside the main camping field. This has always worked perfectly for us all,because although we love a festival, a beer or two or three and a late night, we also like to sleep. For this reason we take the trailer tent. I love the trailer tent, wholeheartedly. See below;
Saturday was lovely and chilled out, being the responsible parents that we are, Alfred started the chilly morning in a nice cosy pram suit ...
I hadn't anticipated quite how much attention a 4 month old in a Tigger suit sttracts, apparently he was quite adorable. Saturday was a scorcher, all that surprise sunshine hit us like a brick between the eyes! Alfred napped under a muslin most of the day (highly effective sunscreen in combination with shade and hat) and as such was the only non burnt group member by the end of it all! He loved the music, and the balloon we acquired and all the people. Me, I love being able to lie down and breastfeed in public, theres certain freedoms being a field offers. Once again bedtime was a dream, I stayed long enough to British Sea Power then took a very sleepy man cub to bed. Despite the fact that we were in a tent he slept throuh till 7.30!! Turns out those blackout things would have a waste of money.
Overall we had a fantastic time, Tim Minchin was my favourite but also really enjoyed Gabriel Minnikin, Federation of the Disco Pimp, Clock Opera and the Villagers. Saturday highlights were Yellow Fever, Black Hats, The Low Anthem and of course British Sea Power. It was so easy to enjoy it with a little man cub and we're 100% back next year. Thank you Truck Festival!
Overall we had a fantastic time, Tim Minchin was my favourite but also really enjoyed Gabriel Minnikin, Federation of the Disco Pimp, Clock Opera and the Villagers. Saturday highlights were Yellow Fever, Black Hats, The Low Anthem and of course British Sea Power. It was so easy to enjoy it with a little man cub and we're 100% back next year. Thank you Truck Festival!
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