I should have seen it coming to be honest, having read profusely to Alfred since he was a few days old, watching Star Trek with him and explaining all the gadgets, playing XBox with him and taking him to Comic Con ... it shouldn't be surprised he is showing some nerd tendencies. No interest in fluffy teddy bears but a full blown adoration for books. It's now to the point even just looking at his bookshelf as we choose a book is a very exciting event, it doesn't even have to be his books. My dad was showing him the Medal Yearbook this afternoon, not on most people's shelf admittedly..., and lo and behold a big dribbley paw was reaching out to touch it and all sorts of gurgles and coos were emerging from his mouth. I am quite aware it is just the pictures and the one-to-one time he's into but I love how excited looking at a book gets him. The above book was only bought because he spent a lot of time chatting to it in the shop whilst I was browsing, it's quite a good book to be fair aside from the picture of dismembered teddy bear heads (four of them). And it seems to amuse him enough to justify it's meagre cost, it lasted long enough to clean the living room and start the ironing this morning, check me out talking like a real grown up (it's all a lie fyi).
We've had quite an alright week, it helps having other intensely bored friends from playgroups to while away the time with. We're managing to get out almost everyday, which anyone who has had a child will appreciate is an acheivement with your first at this age and in this weather. Swimming was good this week, Alfred had his daddy joining us as well as two ladies (and corresponding babies) from the NCT group we attend. I'm still getting used to only being in the pool for about half an hour, but it tires him out so much it's well worth it.
Alfred is currently working on his rolling and sitting up, so he's spending more time on mats on the floor as I'm not really feeling a test of the "babies bounce" theory. Between this and the constant stream of noises he chats all day he's quite high maintenance. He's a happy content baby, and relatively easily entertained but in need of near constant entertainment. I am very glad of such a vast library of books and a playgroup every day, I think we'd go absolutely bonkers without it. We definitely have our favourite groups though, namely Monday and Fridays groups. We still get strange looks everywhere we go because he never turns up in a pushchair, alwys in his carry sling, and occasionally he's in a cloth nappy too. I think once people actually talk to us though, realise I'm not some hippy teenager, it gets a bit easier. I don't think we'll ever really fit in at our Wednesday group though, but it gives us something to do!
I'm debating on taking Alfred up to London this Saturday, I'd quite like to see the Trooping the Colour procession, and excitement is apparently contagious with little ones. Now to balance the issues of potential rain and crowds with the awesomeness of seeing the troops trot by, oh and to find some mug to come with me!
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