Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Sayin' what's up to my cup

Eurgh a girlie post. Look away now. I might mention periods or (god forbid) menstrual products. There's no might. I'm gonna, and any distaste for the subject you may feel is exactly why I'm writing it. Stick around, it won't hurt.

When you have a baby, you lose a bit of squeamishness about bodily functions, down there and the unique qualities of womanhood. You soon discover just how many women have exactly the same issues as you every month and there's a cathartic openness whereby you can actually talk periods. Those secret shameful things we try and pretend don't happen even though we know they do. My husband is particularly ignorant of these things. He grew up in an all boy household and despite witnessing menopause live as a kid he never really urgently needed an explanation of how women have to spend a fortune each month to cover up a natural event that no one talks about. I sent him shopping for emergency pads once, I'm genuinely not exaggerating his ignorance. So let's talk periods. Solutions. And why you have no hope in hell that I am sharing those chocolate biscuits.

About a year ago a company I knew through our cloth nappying had a brilliant deal on cloth pads (CSP) and I looked, I pondered, I spent a fortune on disposables and thought "how bad can it be?" and took the plunge. I'd spent two years washing nappies and other generally dirty kid stuff so there was literally nothing to shock me on that side. Chemical free is always a win and not having to dash out and spend a packet each month is also a major plus point. It is the best £30odd quid I've spent in a long time. Just as easy to use, easy to wash/store/change, comfy and nomre allergic reactions. It will take a certain gender specific experience to ruly understand that one. Shark week is lighter, faster, less painful, cheaper and much more environmentally friendly. I'm so happy. Thanks Cheeky Mamas you finally made periods a bit more cheerful. (They didn't pay me to say these things, I am genuinely bowled over by them).

Then we get onto cups. Not the ones in your cupboards, but menstrual cups, little goblets for your cavities. Once again a brilliant price point, a small business, a "how bad can it be?" approach and I was in the world of menstrual cups. (Earthwise girls, Fleurcup, £10)I'll admit right here that once upon a time I said "eww I'd never use one of those things", I'm more open minded now and I'm much better for it. The first thing I spent a lot of time doing was watching youtube to see how to fold the damn thing. I got cross at it, I cursed it, and almost gave up. Then I decided I'd give it one last go, so many people use them sucessfully so I must be doing something wrong. Hurrah for online support groups (great when you have *all* the questions) and a final hurrah for cups. I feel a bit stupid for it taking so long to get over my weird squeamish reservations and just do it. They're just as discreet and user friendly, I have more money each month and I think I understand more about periods than I ever did. It's only taken about 15 years but I finally got there. 

So there's the thing, I can talk about periods, not so ghastly and shining style blood bathy and I can talk about eco friendly methods to manage a period. I'm just hoping it won't be too long before we can raise a generation of girls who aren't ashamed to talk about it or ask questions. It happens, a lot, embrace it, moan about it, swear about it but hey, let's talk about it. You too menfolk, you've probably got a friend/partner/daughter/sister that menstruates, don't you have questions you want to ask? She shouldn't have to hide it away, should she?

Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Wednesday's thumbs up round up.

5 things (in brief) that have made my day brighter, post a comment for more in-depth details!

1. 'My First Classical Music Book' ( Helsby/Chapman)

 My First Classical Music Book (Mixed media product)
 I am blessed with a son who has music in his heart, he stops and draws his attention to music playing, he'll sit for hours just listening, he falls asleep to heartfelt singing of hymns and lullabies and he dances, oh does he dance! He is a joy to watch with music and this book (new to us) is an immediate favourite. It covers different tones and tempos, different composers and instruments and has a wonderful CD of the perfect classical accompaniments. Double thumbs up, it's lovely!

2. Lillebaby/Tokidoki Carry On

 Anyone in England who went outside today probably got rained on, we got soaked everytime we went out! As enthusiastic as man cub is to walk everywhere sometimes we need to get there right away, like now. Incredibly grateful for having this around today, one snug dry man cub and three journeys made swifter and slightly drier as a result. Did I mention it's painfully funky. It's painfully funky!

3. My Slow Cooker
Image result for black crock pot

More than you will ever know do I love my slow cooker. Tomight's incredibly lazy fall part roast chicken is gonna be just as wonderful in pastas and pies for the next few days as it was tonight. Did I mention it makes the flat smell tasty for a bit too. Om! I should probably thank my brother and his fine lady as they bought it for me for Christmas. Great choice guys, great choice.
p.s. I eat my food, I don't photograph it but this is the slow cooker that adorns my work top.

4. Babywearing

Can I still call it that? Childwearing? Boy toting? Either way it's brightened my day. I've spent a long time (so much for super fast broadband...) creating a photo book of our whole babywearing journey. It's been lovely to look over all those cuddles, snuggles, adventures and smug faces. That combined with 'back cuddles' to rescue us from the rain I can't fault babywearing today. Did I mention I've booked onto the Trageschule course for this year? I'm very excited, I get to teach others how to share such a lovely skill. Wear all the babies friends, all the babies!

5. Patrick Ness' 'Chaos Walking' trilogy

Image result for Patrick Ness' 'Chaos Walking' trilogy 

Oh my word! These books are amazing! I'm tearing through book two at the moment and yes I've resorted to late nights, early mornings and highly anti-conversation tactics to read one more chapter. I can't believe I've never read them before. For my friends who have read them, why didn't you tell me how awesome they are. For my friends who have not read them, you simply must! And on that note I'm back to my book!

Drop me a comment, let me know you were here!

Testing testing 1, 2, 3

Welcome back nerf herders, shall we begin?

It's been a long long time so I'll not do a recap, I'll just add more detail to my posts when necessary. First things first I'm shuffling this blog a little. It's still going to be quite child/family (note no more baby!) orientated but I'm branching out. I'm gonna talk about general life with a now 4 year old, things I like and don't like, tips for living in a 1 bed apartment as a family of three, book reviews, complaints about lack of cake, cosplay stuff, crafty stuff, basically this is me. Reviewing my life and everything in it. How long before I forget to post regular updates? Place your bets now!